Johnny is withdrawing into a world of gaming, social media and pornography as his relationship with Julia at home founders.

Meeting a young girl from Eastern Europe in a chat room he is quickly drawn into an online game and begins spending large sums on maintaining his avatar, as well as making some dangerous choices in his friendship with the girl.

Incorporating stunning visual effects and computer animation, the virtual world in ROAM becomes a battlefield for minds, hearts and credit cards.

Can immersion in internet relationships render real world communication obsolete? How much of ourselves do we keep secreted away from our closest intimates?



It was very interesting.


I usually don't like the use of multimedia in theatrical productions but this production managed to use it to great effect.


Excellent script, acting, lighting, music... absolutely loved it. I was completely absorbed throughout.


loved it, different and clever production, thank you


This production was mind blowing. I was absolutely besotted by the performance of all three actors. It was such a unique screenplay and just wonderfully performed.


Thoroughly enjoyable production from beginning to end. Well matched performances, great chemistry between all three actors, and given the underlying themes based in the virtual - very 'real'. If you're currently not a live theatre goer, yet happily sit through a movie at your local cinema then this is a fantastic bridger - 90 minutes, no intermission, sarcasm, wit, humour, and all round just great - minus the popcorn and noisy kids.
Our first venture to the Red Stitch too. What a nice little venue.


It was good, but just not 'my thing'.


This was a promising concept that was not well executed by the actors except for the actor who played the young Estonian girl. She was the hi light in an otherwise lacklustre performance.


I really enjoyed this show! So good to see a pertinent new concept acted and directed so well! An amazing use of the space, and the effects to submerge the theatre goer into the other (cyber) worlds was really clever. Highly recommended!


Such great graphics and this day and age of internet taking over peoples lives very apt


Excellent production!!! It highlighted that to disconnect from reality after a life change and escape into the online world and more specifically the gaming world where you can be anyone you want to be, can seem appealing. When it takes over your life, this can be dangerous territory.

The acting was brilliant, the visuals and sound effects were great and very well timed. 'Roam' exceeded my expectations. I loved it!


Super production. Great acting, direction and visual effects. Innovative theater.


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