Adelaide Fringe Festival | The Candy Butchers

Adelaide Fringe Festival | The Candy Butchers

The Candy Butchers return to lead you on an exquisitely macabre journey into an imaginary neo-vaudevillian sideshow era. Delicately touching, visually enchanting and refreshingly dark, these contemporary circus luminaries blend the perverse with the poetic to create circus with a heart...a twisted black one. Winner 'Most Outstanding Production' Melbourne Fringe.



Great circus performance! This is one I will be recommending to all my friends.

The Candy Butchers had new tricks, a great story, and fantastic props. It flowed well without being disjointed and created characters I would come back again to see. Excellent production!


It's On The House! No Joining fee. Quality Events. Unique Experiences. Go out and experience your town without blowing the budget with complimentary and hugely reduced-price tickets.


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