Making Money

Making Money

Unseen Theatre Company presents the Australian Premiere of Terry Pratchett's "Making Money"

It’s an offer you can’t refuse.

Who would not wish to be the man in charge of ‘The Ankh-Morpork Royal Mint? It’s a job for life. But, as former con man Moist Von Lipwig is learning, life is not necessarily for long.
But length is not the only problem. Life can also be a little strange in the adjoining Bank. The Chief Cashier is almost certainly a vampire, the Chairman has to be taken for “walkies” every day and there appears to be something nameless in the Cellar.
Oh, and it turns out that the Royal Mint runs at a loss. According to Moist, that’s what happens when you base the value of your monetary system on gold. So just what should he base it on? Potatoes? Dibbler’s famous pies? Golems? Or maybe something as simple as trust?
In fact, Moist is thinking it should be based on trust. But that could be difficult when he is about to be exposed as a fraud. On the bright side, the Assassin’s Guild might get him first. In fact a lot of people want him dead.

Everywhere he looks he’s making enemies when what he should be doing is making money.
WHEN: April 10 to 25 (Wed to Sat) at 8pm



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