Read The Room TV pilot studio audience

Read The Room TV pilot studio audience

Usually, if someone in the audience is on their phone, the show is no good. But in “Read The Room”, the aim is to keep them glued to their screen!

A new game show concept by Jason Chong, one of Adelaide’s favourite comedians, encourages the audience to answer live questions on their phones. Two contestants on stage battle it out to predict which way the audience will swing.

For example, the question “Which Friends character are you?” pops up on the audience’s phones and then the contestants need to figure out, “Are there more Rachels or Joeys here tonight?”

Chongy says, “No one knows the answers until they’re on the screen, and they could be different with every audience! If this becomes a live TV show, imagine being able to ask the entire country important questions like… are you a Rachel or a Joey!”

“Read The Room” is part of The Black Box Experiment, a TV pilot incubator giving Adelaide native creatives a month of live shows to develop a new TV idea. The final show of each month is filmed as TV pilot, produced by 1UP Digital in partnership with broadcast partner Channel 44. These pilots will then be pitched to broadcast and online channels, as well as forming a series for broadcast on Channel 44.




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