Argentine Tango | Tango is more than just a dance!

Argentine Tango | Tango is more than just a dance!

A lot of people in Australia associate tango with ballroom dancing or Hollywood movies portraying couples doing overt gestures with rose between the teeth. This popular misconception probably comes from the tango having been often taken very much out of its rich cultural context.

In reality the tango as a social dance works as a way of communicating to another person through the music. It's not a competition and there are no defined levels to attain. It's danced not for an audience but for oneself and the partner. Hence it's an activity based very much on participation, just as conversations are. And just as the best conversations allow us to relate to another person, and it is a feeling not just a collection of words, tango dancing works this way with our bodies. To reduce tango to a set of steps is like reducing music playing to a set of fingerings.

Tango is danced all around the world by people of all ages. Because it is based simply on walking, anyone can learn to tango. People with no previous dance experience whatsoever with 'two left feet' can end up great dancers.

So come down and experience an authentic Argentine Tango evening with a FREE lesson starting at 5:30 with the social beginning at 7pm!


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