The Last Continent

The Last Continent

On the Discworld anything can happen. Or even “not happen”. Sometimes it’s difficult to know which is which – even for the Wizards at Unseen University.

In this case, The Last Continent was “not happening”. It was dying, even as it was being built. Even the Gods who were building it didn’t quite know what was going on. Some thought it was to do with the space/time continuum, some thought it was to do with evolution taking control of itself. Others thought that there was not enough magic left in the world to glue all the pieces together. Others thought it may be something to do with the lack of rain. The one thing that they all agreed on was that it needed a hero. A hero who could eat a Pie Floater even when he was sober…….. Yep it’s our old friend Rincewind, the inept wizard who can’t even spell wizzard, but he’s the only hero left. Still… worries, right?


Unseen Theatre Company's Artictic Director, Pamela Munt , as both adapter and director, succeeded fact, her adaptation managed to actually enhance the plot line, whilst keeping all of the humorous ploys that we all love so much from the book. lynchpin....and managed to convince us of his cowardliness, cunning and survival instinct in a beautifully gawky manner that somehow managed to be endearing at the same time.... Chris Irving, as Rincewind, was the lynchpin....and managed to convince us of his cowardliness, cunning and survival instinct in a beautifully gawky manner that somehow managed to be endearing at the same time.... All in all, this is a really good adaptation that will have fans applauding and will make new fans for both Pratchett and Unseen. No Worries!
Christine Pyman - Broadway World

Venue: Bakehouse Theatre, 255 Angas Street, Adelaide.



given the contsraints of space this production was excellent. It helped knowing the original story though!


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